Draft Zilker Park Vision Plan: Comment Period Open through January 8, 2023
Rollingwood Residents,
A Draft Zilker Park Vision Plan has been released and is available on the City of Austin Website HERE.
The comment period for this draft plan is open through January 8, 2023. We encourage residents to review and comment on the plan at the following link: https://www.austintexas.gov/ZilkerVision
At the link above, you can also sign up for community meetings, one virtual on Wednesday, December 7 at 6:00 p.m. and one in-person on December 10 at the McBeth Recreation Center from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Background on the Zilker Park Vision Planning Process:
Since February 2021, the City of Austin has been underway with the Zilker Park Vision Plan and has been holding public meetings, that city staff and Council Members have been involved in. Those meetings included Austin Neighborhood Association Meetings and open to the public meetings. During the meetings, representatives of Rollingwood have expressed concern with cut-through traffic on Riley and Rollingwood and the volume of traffic. In recent months, the City Council has been discussing the Zilker Park Vision Planning Process and the impacts of proposed options on the City of Rollingwood and would like the Rollingwood Community to stay engaged with this process.
For more information on the Zilker Vision Planning Process visit the following link: https://www.austintexas.gov/ZilkerVision