04/24/2024: Joint Public Hearings on Commercial Code Updates and Associated Rezoning

Joint Public Hearing

The City Council and Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Rollingwood will be holding Joint Public Hearings to consider: 

Text Amendment:

An amendment to the City’s Code of Ordinances Part I, Chapter 24 Signs and Advertising and Part II, Chapters 101 Buildings and Construction, 103 Environmental Protection and Control, and 107 Zoning. 

This amendment is intended to combine the Professional and Business Office District (C-1) and Business District (C-2) to the newly created Commercial District (C) and amend the development regulations related to the Commercial District (C) to align with the recommendations in the City’s Comprehensive Plan for the commercial corridor. Full text of the amendment can be found HERE.

Rezoning of the following parcels of land from Professional and Business Office District (C-1) or Business District (C-2) to Commercial District (C):

The City's Current Zoning Map can be found HERE.

The proposed changes to the City's Zoning Map can be found HERE. 

Meeting Information

Date and Time: Wednesday, April 24, 2024 at 6:00 p.m.

Location: Rollingwood City Hall, 403 Nixon Drive, Rollingwood, TX 78746

Members of the public may participate in the meeting in person or virtually. 

One of the principal functions of municipal government is to encourage citizen participation within the framework of local government operations and decision-making. During the public hearings, those in favor of, neutral or opposed to the request may present their views. Any member of the public may appear at the hearings and present evidence for or against the request. Written comments should be submitted no later than 72 hours before the hearing to the City Secretary, Desiree Adair at City Hall or at dadair@rollingwoodtx.gov. The agenda will be posted on the City’s website at www.rollingwoodtx.gov/meetings 72 hours prior to the meeting.

For more information regarding this matter as well as any questions, please contact the City of Rollingwood City Hall at 512-327-1838.


Comprehensive Plan

The intent of these amendments and associated rezoning of properties is to align with the recommendations in the City’s Comprehensive Plan for the commercial corridor.

The Comprehensive Plan Document can be found on the Comprehensive Plan web page HERE.

The list of recommendations made in the Comprehensive Plan can be found HERE.