Winter Storm Warning beginning Thursday, February 3 - City Hall Closed

Winter Storm Warning

Rollingwood Residents, 

City Hall will be closed tomorrow, Thursday, February 3, 2022 due to the Winter Storm Warning that has been issued for our area beginning at midnight. Significant icing is expected with a mix of freezing rain and sleet. Please stay off the roads if possible, and if you need to travel, please take extreme precautions. The Rollingwood Police Department will remain open and fully operational tomorrow. Garbage and recycling pick-up for tomorrow has been delayed due to the weather conditions. We will send out a second alert when we know the updated schedule. 

If you know of a neighbor that may need additional help in the event of extreme weather conditions, please contact Assistant Police Chief Munoz at the Police Department Non-Emergency Number.

Important Numbers:

Police Non-Emergency Number: 512-328-1900

Water or Wastewater Emergencies: Crossroads Utility Service 512-246-1400

Click HERE to view a printable Winter Storm Checklist that you can use to prepare in the event of extreme winter weather conditions. 


Stay safe and warm, and please reach out to us at 512-327-1838 if there is any way we can be of assistance. 

Take Care, 

City of Rollingwood