Update - New Wastewater Rate Schedule

On September 16, 2020, the City Council adopted a new wastewater rate schedule effective on the first day of the billing period in January, which is on or around January 23, 2021. The new rate structure incorporates:

  • A new monthly base rate of $13.07 for residential customers and a new monthly base rate of $91.07 for commercial customers;
  • No increase in volumetric rates for residential customers and a decrease in volumetric rates for commercial customers; and
  • The winter averaging process for residents has been updated to consider all five (5) months’ consumption between November and March with a minimum average of 1,000 gallons. 

We understand that with any kind of change in rate structure, adjustments must be made to our residents' habits. For this reason, we have decided that, for this year's winter averaging process, the two highest months of consumption between November and March will be dropped. This was practiced in the past, though it was not specifically stated in the city's Wastewater Rate Ordinance, and is not a part of the new wastewater rate structure. After this winter averaging cycle, the city will resume considering consumption from all five (5) months for the winter averaging process. The minimum average of 1,000 gallons, however, will not be waived during this winter averaging cycle.

We hope that these adjustments will smooth the transition between the previous rate structure and the current structure, which was developed to reflect the cost of wastewater service.   


The City of Rollingwood