Oak Wilt Trenching Project Information and Timeline

December 2015 the City of Rollingwood learned of active oak wilt in the City limits.  The City Council consulted with Texas A&M Forest Services and also took action to mail educational material about oak wilt to all residents of the City.  In 2017 a trenching project was undertaken to surround the area where oak wilt was detected and stop the spread of oak wilt.  Oak wilt spreads quickly through the interconnected root systems. Root trenching severs the root connections blocking the spread of the disease through the root system.  A map of the area surrounded by the trench can be found here.

December 2020 the City was notified of a suspected case of oak wilt. The City Administrator and Building Official met with Texas A&M Forest service to investigate.  The investigation did find positive evidence of oak wilt at the residence, but the location was within the trench area.  Texas A&M Forest Service felt the trenching undertaken in 2016 is still serving as protection for the areas beyond the trench line.

Properties owners inside the blue/black trench area and less than 150’ from the area marked in red, were informed via a mailed letter that oak trees in those areas are currently at risk of oak wilt. The City advises that all property owners within the at-risk area seek the advice of an oak wilt specialized arborist. A list of oak wilt certified arborists can be found at https://texasoakwilt.org/getting-help/vendors

For residences outside of the trenched area, treatment is not recommended at this time. It is always best practice to consult with an arborist periodically regarding the health of your trees, but the follow-up from Texas A&M Forest Service was that they felt that the trench was performing as well as we had hoped.

Current City of Rollingwood Ordinance: Article V. Dead and Diseased Trees


December 16, 2015:  There was a discussion among the council members. No action was taken; more information would be brought back in January.

February 17, 2016: Presentation and Discussion on oak wilt in the Region - Clay Bales of Texas A & M Forest Services.  Council directed Mayor and/or the City Administrator to prepare a document to be posted on Nextdoor Rollingwood regarding the Oak Wilt issues, move back the prohibition on trimming, to initiate an interlocal agreement with other cities and to change the dates residents are not allowed to trim oaks to February 1 through June 30.

March 16, 2016: Council  approves amendments to the oak wilt ordinance. 

May 18, 2016:  Mayor Farrell and Jackie Bob Wright attended the oak wilt meeting held at the City of West Lake Hills that week. He added there were many active areas of oak wilt in the surrounding areas and all bordering entities needed to be involved in order to contain the oak wilt problem. City of Lakeway, City of West Lake Hills, The Hills, Sunset Valley, City of Austin, and Travis County were represented at the meeting.

September 21, 2016: Mayor said he had met with 3 contractors regarding the project for the straight trenching, street trenching and other associated items; the cost would vary for each item.

October 19, 2016: Mayor briefed the council on the oak wilt project. Council authorized the mayor to enter in to a contract on terms and conditions approved by the City Attorney for the oak wilt project in the amount of $34,950.

December 21, 2016: Council gave direction to prepare an RFP for a City arborist which included language “on an as needed basis” and a certification as an oak wilt specialist.  Council approved an Oak Wilt informational flyer to be sent to residents.

February 15, 2017: Council approved a special called meeting February 22, 2017 to review bids and award a contract for the oak wilt tree trenching project.

February 22, 2017: Council awarded the bid for the oak wilt street trenching project to Boretex, LLC, at a per unit price of $61.65

April 19, 2017:  Mayor McKee reported that the oak wilt trenching project was complete and yard restoration was in process.

December 29, 2020: Suspected case of oak wilt reported to the City.  Letter sent to residents within 250 feet of property with oak wilt prevention measures.

January 8, 2021: City Administrator and Building Official met with Texas A&M Forest service to investigate.  The investigation did find positive evidence of oak wilt at 3010 Hatley Drive, but it appears that the trenching undertaken in 2016 is still serving as protection for the areas beyond the trench line.

January 11, 2021: Follow-up letter mailed to affected residents to provide additional information about Texas A&M Forest Service Investigation.